MoreMixShows.com is a networking platform to reach radio programmers, booking agents, promoters, and music supervisors worldwide. We have various services for all Artists and we can help you reach your goals in the music industry. Below is a pricing for our services. For any questions or if you would like to talk about your next project, you can reach us at [email protected].
Please us an email with your Name and song attached in the email once you have submitted your payment below.
- Moremixshows sends your mixtape with all music, artwork, playlist & all social network links included to all major industry contacts.
- Moremixshows services mixtapes for major and independent artists worldwide.
- ONE (1) EMAIL BLAST FOR YOUR MUSIC & MUSIC VIDEO SENT Directly To All Major Music Industry contacts which includes radio DJ’s, music directors, program directors, club DJ’s, satellite DJ’s, mixtape DJ’s, internet DJ’s & music magazines, top music websites, top music blogs, record pools, public relation firms, A-list booking agents, and record label executives.
- FIVE (5) MUSIC & VIDEO EMAIL BLASTS over a period of 8 weeks. (Videos Optional)
- 1 Week Artist Banner Placement on Homepage
- Permanent New Music Placement on Moremixshows.com
- Permanent Music Video Placement on Moremixshows.com
- Permanent Mixtape Placement on Moremixshows.com
- Send your mixtape & artwork to all major music industry contacts–Guaranteed Service
- 6 MUSIC & VIDEO EMAIL BLASTS for 8 weeks. (Videos Optional)
- Include Your Music With Major Artist Downloads (One Major Record Release) Artist Promotional MobileWeb the #1 way for artists to personally promote their Music, Music Video, Social Networks, Mixtapes, and Website
- Exclusive Artist Page designed and hosted on Moremixshows.com
- Artist article included in all major industry news & distributed daily for 1 week
- New Artist Article (includes music, music video & bio)
- Artist New Music Permanently Placed on Moremixshows.com
- 1 Week Artist Banner Placement on Moremixshows.com Homepage
- Permanent Music Video Placement on Moremixshows.com
- Permanent Mixtape Placement on Moremixshows.com
- Twitter Blast to over 5,000 Twitter Followers (Guaranteed)
- Moremixshows.com Instagram Post
- Send your mixtape to all major music industry contacts (Guaranteed)